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Hi! I’m Amy and I started Dreams Guide in 2022 after many years of exploring what dreams mean and how these symbols can teach us about ourselves.

I have been fascinated with my dreams for as long as I can remember. As a child, I frequently had lucid dreams and as I got older, I bought many books about dream symbols and the archetypes of Carl Jung.

After a lifetime of analyzing my own dreams, I decided I wanted to share what I’ve learned and offer my insight into dream symbols of all kinds. No matter how big or small the element is in your dream, it’s there for a reason!

Dreams are often a reflection of our subconscious, providing insight into our thoughts, feelings, and innermost desires. Additionally, dreams can incorporate symbols that hold deep and powerful meanings, guiding us to a better understanding of our lives. One such symbol that commonly appears in dreams is the mountain. In this article, we will explore the …

Read More about What Does a Mountain Symbolize in Dreams? Unraveling the Hidden Meanings

Dreams are mysterious and often leave us wondering about their meanings. One such intriguing dream subject is pigs. These animals can represent various aspects of one’s life, carrying both positive and negative connotations. To better understand the meaning of dreaming about pigs, it’s essential to consider the context, feelings, and emotions associated with the dream. …

Read More about What Does it Mean to Dream About Pigs? Explained Clearly

Dreams have long been believed to hold deeper meanings and provide insights into one’s subconscious. Among the many different dream symbols, encountering polar bears is a rather unique and interesting one to explore. As these magnificent creatures are not part of everyday life for most people, their appearance in a dream can be a memorable …

Read More about What Does it Mean to Dream About Polar Bears? Unraveling the Subconscious Mystery

Dream interpretation has long been a fascinating topic for people seeking to unveil the hidden meanings behind the mysterious realm of dreams. One intriguing dream symbol that captures the attention of many dreamers is the praying mantis. As an unusual and captivating creature, the praying mantis in dreams may hold significant symbolism and insights for …

Read More about Praying Mantis Dream Interpretation: Unraveling the Symbolism

Raccoons are fascinating creatures that often captivate our attention due to their curious and resourceful nature. When these nocturnal animals make an appearance in our dreams, it is natural to wonder what significance or symbolism they may hold. The interpretation of raccoons in dreams can reveal valuable insights into one’s life, emotions, and subconscious thoughts. …

Read More about What Do Raccoons Symbolize in Dreams? Unveiling Mysteries

In the world of dream interpretation, symbols can carry a wide range of meanings, bringing insight into the inner workings of our minds. One such symbol that frequently appears in dreams is the roller coaster. This thrilling ride, with its ups and downs, twists, and turns, has a unique significance in the realm of psychology …

Read More about What Do Rollercoasters Symbolize in Dreams? Unraveling the Hidden Meanings

Dreams about waterfalls can be fascinating and thought-provoking, sparking curiosity about their meanings and symbolism. Waterfalls are powerful natural phenomena, often representing change, growth, and the flow of life itself. As such, dreams featuring waterfalls may carry significant messages and insights for the dreamer. To better understand these dreams, it is important to consider the …

Read More about What Does it Mean to Dream About a Waterfall? Expert Insights Explained

Volcanoes, powerful and awe-inspiring manifestations of nature, often evoke strong emotions and reactions in people. So, it should come as no surprise that they can also make an appearance in our dreams. Dreams about volcanoes can have different meanings, and uncovering the significance of such dreams can provide valuable insights into one’s emotions and life …

Read More about What Does it Mean to Dream About a Volcano? Uncovering the Symbolism and Interpretations

Eggs, one of the most common food items across cultures, have a deep symbolism in various aspects of life, including dreams. As eggs represent new beginnings, potential, and fertility, it’s no surprise that they also hold significant meanings when they appear in our dreams. In the world of dream interpretation, eggs can symbolize a variety …

Read More about What Do Eggs Symbolize in Dreams? Decoding their Meaning

Dreaming of a sunset often evokes a sense of mystery and wonder. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sky, many people find themselves pondering the symbolism and significance behind such a dream. While the meaning of any dream can vary from person to person, there are some common …

Read More about What Does it Mean to Dream of a Sunset? – Unveiling the Symbolism Behind This Common Dream