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Dreams have long been a crucial element in numerous cultures and their spiritual beliefs. Some dreams may leave you optimistic about the future, while others can evoke strange, hard-to-decipher emotions.   Have you been seeing a specific house in your dream? These kinds of dreams can mean a number of different things and give you a …

Read More about What Does it Mean to Dream About Houses?

Windows are a classic symbol of an opening, a portal, a new view or perspective. They can also signify coming changes and glimpsing the future or the unknown. The window can allow light in, and it can shed light on that which is unseen. Glass provides a thin and transparent veil between this world and another. Though separated by only a delicate, impermanent barrier, the two worlds can seem as different as night and day.

Read More about The Symbolism of Windows in Dreams (and Waking Life)

Dreams can be vivid and imaginative, and they can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from reality. Many believe dreams have symbolic meanings and can provide insight into a person’s thoughts and feelings. Dreams about water, especially, can mean many things and may be difficult to interpret. So, let’s help you out. Water as a symbol …

Read More about Water Symbolism: What it Means to Dream About Water